NCBI’s Motto, Mission and Vision |
MOTTO Serve, Protect and Integrity
MISSION To uphold the Constitution of India and law of the land through in-depth investigation and successful prosecution of offences; to provide leadership and direction to police forces and to act as the nodal agency for enhancing inter-state and international cooperation in law enforcement.
VISION Based on its motto, mission and the need to develop professionalism, transparency, adaptability to change and use of science and technology in its working, the NCBI will focus on
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Active Intelligence Officers
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Active Information Officers
National Crime Bureau Of Investigation
(A Public Movement for Crime and Corruption Free Nation)
National Crime Bureau Of Investigation is registered under Indian Trust Act 1882 Working as Criminal Information Providers & Legal Activity Services Agency. We are not Investigation Agency, We have no tie-up with any Central/State Govt. Department, Ministry, Commission, Etc.
राष्ट्रीय अपराध अन्वेषण ब्यूरो (एन सी बी आई) का मुख्य उद्देश्य समाज मे व्याप्त अपराधिक गतिविधियों व अराजक तत्वों, जैसे :- भ्रष्टाचार, नशीले पदार्थो की बिक्री, नकली नोट चलन, मानवाधिकार हनन, छेड़छाड़, बाल श्रम इत्यादि में गहन अन्वेषण कर जानकारी इक्कठी करना और उस पर प्रशासनिक कार्यवाही करवाना इत्यादि।
Director's Message
Welcome to the National Crime Bureau Of Investigation website NCBI is the name of Crime and Corrupted Killer Team, Operator’s across India to hell identify prevent, Solve and Reduce Crime.
NCBI Introduction
NCBI Centralis Anti-Crime Workers Organization who are devoted or dedicated to do Something respected work for their own Country to make Crime and Corruption Free Platform for the Coming Generation in the future.
Rules Of The Org..
The objects of the Organization is to co-operate with the Govt. fully in the matter of implementing the policies for stopping Crimes, Corruption and Terrorism Prevailing in the Society.